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Effortless: Unlocking Productivity by Getting Out of Your Own Way

If you feel like you overcomplicate things, chances are you do! Sometimes, we become so fixated on doing things a certain way that we overlook simpler and less exhausting approaches.

Finding the easy path is the central theme of Greg McKeown's book Effortless. He suggests creating mindsets and systems that work for you by eliminating unnecessary steps in your daily life that might hinder your productivity.

The author provides helpful tips on tackling big projects looming in the back of your mind and simple ways to increase mental and physical energy.

Here are some excellent points from the book that you can put into practice today and start seeing results:

Tip #1: Don't overcomplicate things.

Often, small projects or goals can turn into overwhelming nightmares. Throughout the book, McKeown emphasizes the importance of simplicity.

When we try to do everything ourselves, multitask, or strive for perfection, we quickly deplete our mental energy and run out of steam.

For example, imagine you're shopping for a birthday gift for a coworker who loves beautiful stationery. You start by searching for options online. And before you know it, you've spent over an hour browsing through thousands of choices.

Consider how many unnecessary tasks you engaged in when your original goal was simply to "buy a nice pen."

By asking yourself, "What is truly essential here?" before diving deep into a task, you can focus on what matters and avoid getting sidetracked.

Tip #2: Break it into tiny pieces.

Another key takeaway is to start big projects by breaking them into manageable tasks. 

Imagine that your goal is to declutter your storage room. If the thought of it exhausts you, consider throwing away one object every time you enter the room. It's a small task, but it relieves your mind from the burden of postponing it.

Starting with something manageable helps you gain momentum and prevents you from abandoning the project.

McKeown also emphasizes the power of writing things down. You can jot down your end goal and list the (absolutely) necessary steps to achieve it.

Taking notes offloads the mental burden of remembering everything and helps you maintain an organized mind.

Tip #3: Take a break!

Working harder doesn’t lead to getting more done. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your productivity is to take breaks.

When you run a marathon, you ensure to drink lots of water. Breaks are the hydration of productivity.

You may have experienced starting a project with excitement but growing to hate it after a few days. It could be the result of trying too hard. When you take breaks and recharge, you get to enjoy what you're doing repeatedly.

McKeown discusses the importance of incorporating play, going for walks, and adopting relaxation techniques. By reducing stress, you enhance productivity and effectiveness.

In summary, "Effortless" teaches you how to simplify your goals and reduce unnecessary mental fatigue that often stems from ourselves.

It's a book that shows you how to get out of your way and start those big projects.

You can find Greg McKeown here and his book on Amazon.