Transform Your Home's Energy with Reiki-Infused Sage Cleansing

In Reiki, cleansing rituals are used to remove negative energy to allow for positive, fresh energy to fill the space. 

Negative energy can accumulate in our homes, affecting our well-being and creating a sense of unease. Here’s an easy sage ritual that can be performed as a blessing to cleanse a home. 

It can be repeated as often as necessary.

How to perform a Sage Cleansing Ritual

  1. Buy a sage smudge stick (white sage or lavender), natural food stores should have them for purchase. Set aside a cup of water to extinguish the sage or lavender.

  2. Open all doors & windows in the home and turn on ceiling fans in all rooms.

  3. Light the stick of sage or lavender and once there is a flame; blow it out. 
    Allow the embers to smoke.

  4. Set intention for each room. Say the following prayer of cleansing, “I cleanse this room of any impurities, negativity, and anything that does not heal or support the people living in this space.”

  5. Walk around the room, waving the sage stick or lavender, and allow the smoke to drift into corners, along the walls, around the windows, and along the ceiling lines. While walking, imagine the smoke absorbing the negativity, any problems from those who occupied the space before, toxicity, and any other negativity that is making itself known. See the smoke dissipating and floating out of the windows -- making room for positive, fresh energy as it leaves home. 

  6. After all, rooms have been blessed with sage or lavender, take a sage shower. 
    Cup your hands over the smoke and “wash” yourself as if taking a shower. Visualize residual negativity leaving the body and home. 
    Extinguish the stick of sage or lavender in the cup of water and bury the ashes in the backyard – please make sure that the fire is extinguished before burying it!

  7. Close all windows and doors.

  8. Express gratitude to the Universe for the ability to cleanse the space that is claimed as HOME. Close the ritual in a prayer stance.

benefits of the sage cleansing


This ritual was handed down by a Reiki Master, author unknown.


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